ComCam IPP563500

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The ComCam IPP563500 is a capable ex-verification vault camera of the extremely most recent era with a determination of 2 megapixels (1920 x 1080p). The camera permits constant 360° container pivot and 180° tilt scope with programmed picture revolution. A specific highlight is the exact and brisk panning and tilting capacity of the camera which does not just discard a 30-overlap optical zoom however has likewise a 12-overlay computerized zoom.

ComCam ComCam IPP563500


ATEX, IECEx and EAC-Ex ensured Ex-evidence arch camera:

The ExCam arrangement is ensured by controls (ATEX) and in addition worldwide ones (IECEx). The lodgings' accreditation involves ATEX aggregate II for zone 1, 2 and also 21 and 22 including the blast bunches IIB/IIIC. Besides it likewise discards EAC-Ex confirmation.

Amid the ComCam ComCam IPP563500's advancement arrange, the concentration was plainly laid on security angles and additionally mechanical accuracy and top notch stainless steels additionally on the particular outline which permits, for instance, the immediate association of FOC. If there should arise an occurrence of extensive perception demands, FOC offers awesome transmission speeds; likewise the lighting assurance for the outside region measures gets to be obsolet


Media resistance and seals:

Because of the top notch materials utilized for the ExCam Series (stainless steel 316L/CF-3M) it meets the prerequisites of a far reaching media resistance list. The especially planned optical vault is made of LEXAN©, a poly-carbonate which does withstand least temperatures as well as has predominant optical attributes, for example, low optical twisting. The camera's assurance level is IP-68.



Likewise as to the permitted surrounding temperature, the ComCam ComCam IPP563500 sets new models: With warming, as far as possible is - 50°C going up to +50°C.

With a specific end goal to stay free of ice at - 50° C we utilize a two PTC earthenware production for warming (please allude to the relevant model code).



Diminished establishment costs and Power over Ethernet (PoE):

A distinction of the ComCam ComCam IPP563500 is that the information streams and in addition the power is transmitted by means of a solitary link which implies that for the establishment inside the sheltered range, just a PoE-Switch or a PoE-Midspan is required.

As the power supply of the camera is executed by means of Power over Ethernet (PoE as indicated by IEEE 802.3at) by means of the system, no exorbitant establishment of a different power supply is required.

HD CCTV Camera in impact evidence lodging

With its length of 378 mm and a distance across of just 195 mm, the ComCam ComCam IPP563500 is littler than some camera models for safe regions – however with all the more capable capacities. Because of its dynamic output work, the ComCam ComCam IPP563500 is fit for making high-determination pictures of moving items with up to 30 outlines for every second: Without movement obscure! The ComCam ComCam IPP563500 additionally conveys sharp pictures in fullHD determination.

Day/Night work:

The ComCam ComCam IPP563500 is outfitted with a day/night work making it especially appropriate for the utilization in open air or indoor regions with poor lighting When the splendor drops underneath a specific esteem, the camera naturally changes to night mode to deliver top notch highly contrasting pictures utilizing close infrared light. Close infrared light, with a wavelength somewhere around 780 and around 1000 nanometers, can't be seen by the human eye, be that as it may, the picture sensor of the ComCam ComCam IPP563500 can perceive this light and uses it.

Assistant contacts:

It is conceivable to adaptably outfit the ComCam ComCam IPP563500 with extra lines which can connect outer advanced helper contacts with the camera rationale. For instance, the outside contacts can be utilized to begin or end a video recording or to clean the camera's optical spine by means of a transfer with compacted air or water shower. By means of the video operation programming SAMCONtrol® this should be possible remotely.

Advantages of advanced system video reconnaissance:

An IP organize video reconnaissance framework offers various points of interest and extraordinary components.

In addition to other things, benefits incorporate remote get to, high picture quality, occasion administration, canny video abilities, simple mix potential outcomes, better versatility, adaptability, and cost productivity.

• Remote get to

• High picture quality

• Event administration and clever video

• Easy, sheltered and supportable coordination

• Scalability and adaptability

• Cost proficiency


Remote get to:

Arrange cameras and video encoders can be gotten to and designed remotely so that by means of our program based video administration programming SAMCONtrol®, numerous approved clients can observe live video pictures and video recordings whenever and from any organized area around the world. This is leverage in the event that you need to allow clients of different organizations, e.g. of a security organization, access to the video pictures too.



High picture quality:

For video reconnaissance applications, a high picture quality is basic keeping in mind the end goal to have the capacity to unmistakably recognize included people or protests. With its dynamic sweep and megapixel innovation, the ComCam IPP56350 offers a greatly improved picture quality and additionally a higher determination than any simple CCTV camera. Moreover, it is much less demanding to guarantee the picture quality in an IP arrange than in a simple framework.

For the present simple frameworks utilizing a DVR as a recording gadget, various information transformations from simple to advanced and the other way around occur: First the camera changes over the simple signs into computerized information, subsequently they are re-changed over to simple signs to permit transmission. In this manner, the simple signs are re-digitalized again to record. Every change methodology and in addition the link's flag weakening impacts the picture quality. The more prominent the transmission separation of these simple signs is, the weaker the flag gets to be. In a completely computerized IP-Surveillance framework, pictures from a system camera are digitized just once and they then stay in the advanced arrangement. Therefore, pointless transformations are stayed away from as well as picture debasement because of long transmission removes in a system won't happen. Likewise, advanced pictures can be put away and recovered more effectively than it is conceivable with simple tapes.

Occasion administration and insightful video:

Regularly, an over the top measure of video information is recorded and there is insufficient time accessible to investigate it appropriately. Propelled organize cameras and video encoders with incorporated insight or examination capacities take care of this issue by decreasing immaterial video recordings and also by starting pre-customized activities. Such capacities are not accessible for simple frameworks.

The ComCam ComCam IPP563500 offers incorporated capacities, for example, video movement discovery, dynamic altering caution, and alert and occasion administration capacities. Utilizing these components makes the system cameras and video encoders able to do consistently investigating the info information keeping in mind the end goal to recognize occasions and to react naturally – e.g. by beginning a video recording and sending alert notices.

Occasion administration capacities can be set through the UI or the system video programming. Clients can characterize the cautions or occasions by the utilized trigger and indicate the day and age in which the occasion must be dynamic. Moreover, the activities can be arranged (e.g. recording of at least one areas, locally and/or at remote areas, enactment of outside gadgets, for example, sirens, lights furthermore, entryway opener, sending notices to clients).



Simple, sheltered and maintainable coordination:

Arrange video items in light of open gauges can be incorporated essentially in blend with video administration and application programming.



Versatility and adaptability:

A system video framework can develop with the necessities of its clients. For IP-based frameworks, many system cameras and video encoders and additionally different sorts of uses can utilize the same wired or remote system for information trade.

In this way a variable number of system video items can be added to the framework without the requirement for broad or costly changes to the system foundation. In a simple framework this is unrealistic with respect to such frameworks an especially composed coaxial link must be wired straightforwardly from every camera to a show/recording station. In correlation, organize video items can be basically set in any area and consolidated into any system; being pretty much open or even entirely ensured.



Taken a toll Efficiency:

An IP-Surveillance framework ordinarily has bring down aggregate working expenses than a customary simple CCTV framework. Much of the time, an IP organize foundation does as of now exist so that a system video application can be effectively incorporated into the current framework. Wired or remote systems administration arrangements are additionally much less expensive than coaxial and fiber optic link utilized for simple CCTV frameworks. The regulatory and also the gear expenses are lower as back-end stockpiling applications and additionally stockpiling frameworks can be done on non-restrictive standard server as expected to produce particular equipment, for example, a DVR.


Preferences of vault cameras:

The inboard dish tilt-zoom system of done cameras permits a successful warming of the lodging and the camera which is especially an extraordinary favorable position for low temperature applications. Furthermore, the mechanical segments are ensured against clean as well as against outside harms.

Another preferred standpoint of the vault camera is that amid its operation, wounds of work force are barred since every single versatile part are arranged inside the camera lodging and are subsequently isolated from working faculty. In contrast with the traditional container tilt-zoom framework where the tomahawks are situated outside the camera lodging, this offers another preferred standpoint: The lower weight.

Because of its outline, arch cameras are fundamentally lighter which is likewise reflected by the lower prerequisites in regards to the mounting and establishment gear.

Not at all like exemplary dish tilt-zoom cameras which require a hazard evaluation so as to decide the interim and also the extent of the important support measures, vault cameras are fundamentally upkeep free. Because of this, likewise the working expenses are lessened discernibly.





*For orders under € 450 we charge € 25 order costs.
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